Saturday, February 14, 2009

Antique sideboard vanities business

Antique Sideboard Vanities
Convert antique sideboard cabinets into vanities to give homeowners an out-of-the ordinary washroom option.

Business Overview
Antique sideboard cabinets make fantastic washroom sink vanities, especially when used in heritage and Victorian homes. Converting antique sideboard cabinets into washroom vanities is an excellent and potentially very profitable new enterprise to set in motion.

The main requirements for successfully establishing and operating this type of business include: • A well-equipped workshop • Carpentry and construction skills and experience • Excellent marketing and promotion skills

Patience will be required, as obtaining the antique sideboards to be used for bathroom vanities could mean spending a fair amount of time scouring garage sales, flea markets and auction sales. Potential customers or buyers can include custom homebuilders, interior designers and decorators, and contracting and renovation companies.

The vanities can also be marketed directly to homeowners by way of home and garden trade shows, print advertising and the internet. To minimize startup costs to get the business rolling as well as the skills required to operate the business, consider subcontracting out the installation and transportation aspects of the business to local qualified plumbers and transportation firms.

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